Do you prefer to complete a paper application and mail it with your check? If so, click the Forms and Quilt Tips tab at the top of this page; then select Membership Application under Forms. The application will download immediately to your computer for printing. Our mailing address is on the application. Welcome!
If you are not a member and have reached this page unexpectedly, you may have attempted to open a "Members Only" page. If you would like to join us, please consider a yearly membership. The cost is only $20 per year and can be purchased with the form below.
This form should not be used by those with current memberships and/or logins. Those members should renew via the Login Welcome page.
New Memberships purchased after September 30th will expire December 31st of the following year.
New Memberships purchased between January 1st and September 30th, will expire December 31st of the current year.